Monday 27 August 2012

A sweet and bitter salad

This salad takes 10 minutes to make as a side for two people.

Like many Londoners I work hard. I like to cook, but I got to a point where making food at home consisted of grabbing bags of lettuce and packages of baby plum tomatoes off Tesco’s shelves and dressing them. That’s more like mixing than cooking.

This salad is more like mixing than cooking as well, but it is simple, unusual and balances sweet, bitter, creamy and sour.

I first put it together last summer, when I looked in my fridge and all I had was rocket, radicchio, peaches and ricotta. Sometimes having a limited number of ingredients at your fingertips is a good thing. It forces creativity in a way that can be difficult when you have an endless array of items available to you. I find having too many things often causes me to over-complicate a dish, adding too many different types of ingredients or spices.

When I first tasted the salad, it was a wonderful, unexpected surprise. So good, I made it again and again and again. Needless to day, this salad has turned into one of my favourite summer salads.

You will need:
  • 3 flat peaches
  • ¼ head radicchio
  • 1 handful rocket
  • 1 tablespoon soft cow curd cheese or ricotta
  • Juice of 1 lemon
  • ¼ - 1/2teaspoon of olive oil
  • Salt and pepper to taste

Chop the flat peaches into chunks. Wash the radicchio and cut into thin strips. Combine the peaches, radicchio and rocket in a bowl. Then mix the last four ingredients together really well, add to the bowl and toss.

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